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beach at sunset with summer over it

Months June, July, August

Festivals Litha, Lughnasadh

Colors Orange, Yellow, Gold, Green, Blue, White

Crystals Calcite, Citrine, Howlite, Lapis Lazuli, Moss Agate, Opal, Peridot, Yellow, Zircon

Flowers Calendula, Fairy Wand, Geranium, Hibiscus, Passionflower, Thornapple, Waterlily

Herbs & Plants Aloe, Bamboo, Basil, Chives, Ivy, Lovage, Mullein, Thistle, Vervain, Yarrow

Animals & Creatures Bee, Canary, Crab, Dragon, Frog, Hummingbird, Mermaid, Peacock, Snake, Starfish

Powers Encouragement, Friendship, Growth, Increase, Light, Love, Nurture, Patience, Strength, Warmth

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